Family at greetingscg wishing you Happy Ramadan Kareem (Ramadhan) 1442 AH for Ramzan Mubarak 2021!. According to Wikipedia, Ramadan (Arabic: رَمَضَان, romanized: Ramaḍān [ˤaːn]),[a] also spelled Ramazan, Ramzan, Ramadhan or Ramathan, is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting (sawm), prayer, reflection and community. A commemoration of Muhammad's first revelation, the annual observance of Ramadan is regarded as one of the Five Pillars of Islam and lasts twenty-nine to thirty days, from one sighting of the crescent moon to the next.
While both are used as greetings by Muslims during Ramadan, they do have slightly different meanings. Ramadan Mubarak is the one that is mostly commonly used and means to have a 'blessed Ramadan'. Ramadan Kareem is to wish someone a 'generous Ramadan', roughly translating to 'may Ramadan be generous to you'.
The appropriate response to Ramadan Kareem is “Allahu Akram” which translates as “God is much more generous”. You can also say “Ramadan Mubarak,” which translates to “happy Ramadan.”
Blog would like to wish Ramadan Kareem to all Muslim's around the world~ In this holy month, take this chance to spread kindness, love, and patience.
Ramadan Kareem! May this month bring joys and blessings to your lives.
My wish today is that family and friends stay safe and healthy
FASTING is not about a diet of burning calories, it is about burning EGO, PRIDE, SINS.
The Holy month of Ramadan begins today Family at greetingscg wishes the Muslim Community, Happy Ramadan Kareem Hope you all have month full of Happiness, Peace & Blessings!
Happy Ramzan to everyone. Wishing you all the blessings of the holy month.
May this Ramzan Kareem fill your life with colours of happiness and prosperity.
Ramadan Kareem to all my family and friends. May Allah give us strength, health, and patience. insha Allah!!!
12 days to Ramadan Kareem! May we all reach the holy month of Ramadan with good health, clean heart and clear intentions. Ameen.
Happiness is only 12 days are left in Ramadan Kareem
May we be among those to witness the holy month
Make a plan and be prepared for Ramadhan. Fasting is a mechanism for our soul refinement.
The holy month of Ramadan is round the corner
Oo Allah, let us reach the month of Ramadan.
Happiness is only few Days are left in RAMZAN MUBARAK 2021!
Happiness is only 12 days are left in RAMADAN KAREEM
TAQWA is the ultimate goal of our RAMZAN preparations. To be among the righteous for now and forever!
It’s the month of Ramzan!
May we live to see more of it insha Allah!!!
Ramadan Kareem 1442 AH Coming Soon
Be Ready for it
Spend it in best of ways
Remember me in your prayers
Oo Allah, let us reach the month of Ramzan 2021/1442 AH.
My life may not be going the way I planned it, but it is going exactly the way Allah planned it.
Welcome to the month of Blessings: Ramadan Kareem
A Special Month lets do Special Du'a.
Pray to God that this month reaches you while you are in the best of health and safety so that you can fast and do all your acts of Devotion with Ease and Enthusiasm
Blessing of ramzan ahead
month of mercy, unity and forgiveness
To all our friends, who will be celebrating soon
May the noor of this blessed month illuminate your heart, mind and soul and may your prayers be answered
So excited that we are so close to Ramathan, Ramzan, Ramadhan or Ramazan!
hope you spend a wonderful time with your family
I am very happy to learn about Ramadan and I wish you a very happy and peaceful time. Happy Ramadan!
Ramadan is the best time to destroy all bad habits. Happy Ramzan.
As Ramzan is coming, Just 2 Days left
I may not remain active during the days.
All may prayers for you Friends
Lots of Love
To all our friends celebrating Easter, Passover or Ramadan this month, Centigrade wishes you a very happy and safe holiday!
Happy Ramadan! Ramadan Kareem!
Ramadan is a time of immense blessings.
It's the holiest month of the year in which Muslims increase their worship, good deeds and make plenty of dua, or supplication.
Dua is often referred to as the weapon of the believer because of its power and ability to protect us and grant us victory. In fact, the Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Dua is worship." Abu Dawud.
Knowing what duas to make in Ramzan or Ramadan, when to make them and how to do so are important.
The dua of a believer is powerful, especially when fasting.
“There are three whose supplication is not rejected: The fasting person when he breaks his fast, the just leader, and the supplication of the oppressed person; Allah raises it up above the clouds and opens the gates of heaven to it. And the Lord says: ‘By My might, I shall surely aid you, even if it should be after a while.’” [Tirmidhi]
In the midst of these uncertain times, do not let Ramadan pass you by without making the most of each and every day.
Before we know it, Ramadan will be over again, so it's critical we maximise every precious moment in which we can make dua.
Not praying as much as you'd like to? List the duas for everything your heart desires this Ramadan!
From opening the fast to closing the fast, there are duas we are taught to recite in Ramadan. greetingscg have given you six duas below to memorise, along with the duas in English for those who prefer to read the transliteration.
Ramadan is a time of forgiveness, so make sure you read this dua as much as you can. Make it as short or long as you like. It may be useful to put them under headings to make it easier to keep track and remember them all. Create achievable goals as part of your dua list.
Life is full of hardship. It's the way Allah (SWT) has created the world - to test us to see which of us are best in deeds.
But Ramzan is a time for us to remember that anything is possible.
Wishing my many Muslim friends a blessed, safe and reflective Ramadan in this Hijra year of 1442 wherever you may be.
Through reconnecting to Allah (SWT) through prayer and dua, we can establish our link to our Creator, pour out our feelings and emotions, and allow ourselves to be guided to what is right.
Whether you recite your dua in English or Arabic, Allah hears them all.
greetingscg pray you have a successful Ramadan full of accepted duas. Ameen ... wishing you a Happy Fasting Ramadan Kareem! Ramzan Mubarak 1442 AH/2021. May Allah make it easy for you and accept your fast, prayers, good deeds and devotions!
While both are used as greetings by Muslims during Ramadan, they do have slightly different meanings. Ramadan Mubarak is the one that is mostly commonly used and means to have a 'blessed Ramadan'. Ramadan Kareem is to wish someone a 'generous Ramadan', roughly translating to 'may Ramadan be generous to you'.
The appropriate response to Ramadan Kareem is “Allahu Akram” which translates as “God is much more generous”. You can also say “Ramadan Mubarak,” which translates to “happy Ramadan.”
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Blog would like to wish Ramadan Kareem to all Muslim's around the world~ In this holy month, take this chance to spread kindness, love, and patience.
Ramadan Kareem! May this month bring joys and blessings to your lives.
My wish today is that family and friends stay safe and healthy
FASTING is not about a diet of burning calories, it is about burning EGO, PRIDE, SINS.
The Holy month of Ramadan begins today Family at greetingscg wishes the Muslim Community, Happy Ramadan Kareem Hope you all have month full of Happiness, Peace & Blessings!
Happy Ramzan to everyone. Wishing you all the blessings of the holy month.
May this Ramzan Kareem fill your life with colours of happiness and prosperity.
Ramadan Kareem to all my family and friends. May Allah give us strength, health, and patience. insha Allah!!!
12 days to Ramadan Kareem! May we all reach the holy month of Ramadan with good health, clean heart and clear intentions. Ameen.
Happiness is only 12 days are left in Ramadan Kareem
May we be among those to witness the holy month
Make a plan and be prepared for Ramadhan. Fasting is a mechanism for our soul refinement.
The holy month of Ramadan is round the corner
Oo Allah, let us reach the month of Ramadan.
Happiness is only few Days are left in RAMZAN MUBARAK 2021!
Happiness is only 12 days are left in RAMADAN KAREEM
TAQWA is the ultimate goal of our RAMZAN preparations. To be among the righteous for now and forever!
It’s the month of Ramzan!
May we live to see more of it insha Allah!!!
Ramadan Kareem 1442 AH Coming Soon
Be Ready for it
Spend it in best of ways
Remember me in your prayers
Oo Allah, let us reach the month of Ramzan 2021/1442 AH.
My life may not be going the way I planned it, but it is going exactly the way Allah planned it.
Welcome to the month of Blessings: Ramadan Kareem
A Special Month lets do Special Du'a.
Pray to God that this month reaches you while you are in the best of health and safety so that you can fast and do all your acts of Devotion with Ease and Enthusiasm
Blessing of ramzan ahead
month of mercy, unity and forgiveness
To all our friends, who will be celebrating soon
May the noor of this blessed month illuminate your heart, mind and soul and may your prayers be answered
So excited that we are so close to Ramathan, Ramzan, Ramadhan or Ramazan!
hope you spend a wonderful time with your family
I am very happy to learn about Ramadan and I wish you a very happy and peaceful time. Happy Ramadan!
Ramadan is the best time to destroy all bad habits. Happy Ramzan.
As Ramzan is coming, Just 2 Days left
I may not remain active during the days.
All may prayers for you Friends
Lots of Love
To all our friends celebrating Easter, Passover or Ramadan this month, Centigrade wishes you a very happy and safe holiday!
Happy Ramadan! Ramadan Kareem!
Ramadan is a time of immense blessings.
It's the holiest month of the year in which Muslims increase their worship, good deeds and make plenty of dua, or supplication.
Dua is often referred to as the weapon of the believer because of its power and ability to protect us and grant us victory. In fact, the Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Dua is worship." Abu Dawud.
Knowing what duas to make in Ramzan or Ramadan, when to make them and how to do so are important.
The dua of a believer is powerful, especially when fasting.
“There are three whose supplication is not rejected: The fasting person when he breaks his fast, the just leader, and the supplication of the oppressed person; Allah raises it up above the clouds and opens the gates of heaven to it. And the Lord says: ‘By My might, I shall surely aid you, even if it should be after a while.’” [Tirmidhi]
In the midst of these uncertain times, do not let Ramadan pass you by without making the most of each and every day.
Before we know it, Ramadan will be over again, so it's critical we maximise every precious moment in which we can make dua.
Not praying as much as you'd like to? List the duas for everything your heart desires this Ramadan!
From opening the fast to closing the fast, there are duas we are taught to recite in Ramadan. greetingscg have given you six duas below to memorise, along with the duas in English for those who prefer to read the transliteration.
- When you see the crescent moon:
اللَّهمَّ أَهلَّهُ علينَا بالأمنِ والإيمانِ والسَّلامةِ والإسلامِ ربِّي وربُّكَ اللَّهُ [Tirmidhi]
Transliteration: Allahumma ahillahu alayna bil-amni wal-iman was-salaamati wal-islam. Rabbi wa rabbuka Allah.
Translation: Oh Allah, make it a start full of peace and faith, safety and Islam. My lord and your lord is Allah.
This supplication pairs peace and faith, to show they are connected. In fact, in Arabic, the two words have 'Amn' and 'Iman' are derived from one another. The dua also pairs peace and Islam, 'Silm' and 'Islam', both words are also linguistically connected. We ask Allah (SWT) to make us strong in faith and grant us peace this Ramadan. - The dua for closing fast:
وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتُ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ [Abu Dawud]
Transliteration: Wa bisawmi ghadinn nawaiytu min shahri ramadan.
Translation: I intend to keep the fast for tomorrow in the month of Ramadan.
Having something to eat, even if it’s small, like some dates and water, is a sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) and highly recommended. Whether you say your intention out loud or in your heart, it’s key to begin acts of worship, like opening the fast, with an intention or dua. - The dua for breaking your fast:
اللَّهُمَّ اِنِّى لَكَ صُمْتُ وَبِكَ امنْتُ [وَعَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ] وَعَلَى رِزْقِكَ اَفْطَرْتُ [Abu Dawud]
Transliteration: allahumma inni laka sumtu, wa bika amantu, wa alaika tawakkaltu wa a la rizq-ika iftar-tu
Translation: O Allah! I fasted for You and I believe in You [and I put my trust in You] and I break my fast with Your sustenance
During the time of breaking the fast is one of the best times to make dua, as recommended by the Prophet (ﷺ). - If someone angers you when you are fasting:
إني صائمٌ ، إني صائمٌ [Muslim]
Transliteration: Innee saa’im, innee saa’im
Translation: I’m fasting, I’m fasting.
This can be said out loud, so the aggressor hears you, or in silence. - The dua for breaking your fast with a group of people:
أفطر عندكم الصائمون ، وأكل طعامكم الأبرار ، وصلت عليكم الملائكة [Ibn Majah]
Transliteration: aftara indakum as-saa’imoon, wa akala ta’aamakum al-abraar, wa sallat alaikum al-malaa’ikah.
Translation: May the fasting people break fast at your place, and may the pious eat from your food, and may the angels pray for you.
Ramadan is a time of sharing and breaking bread together. Most of us will open our fast by having Iftar with others, even whilst socially distancing from others. This beautiful dua for breaking your fast with others is not widely known, but great to remember. - If you encounter Laylatul Qadr or generally on the final odd nights of Ramadan:
اللَّهمَّ إنَّك عفُوٌّ تُحبُّ العفوَ فاعْفُ عنِّي [Tirmidhi]
Transliteration: Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbu al-afwa fa’fu anni.
Translation: Oh Allah you are forgiving, and you love forgiveness, so forgive me.
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Ramadan is a time of forgiveness, so make sure you read this dua as much as you can. Make it as short or long as you like. It may be useful to put them under headings to make it easier to keep track and remember them all. Create achievable goals as part of your dua list.
Life is full of hardship. It's the way Allah (SWT) has created the world - to test us to see which of us are best in deeds.
More Ramadan greetingscg:
But Ramzan is a time for us to remember that anything is possible.
Wishing my many Muslim friends a blessed, safe and reflective Ramadan in this Hijra year of 1442 wherever you may be.
Through reconnecting to Allah (SWT) through prayer and dua, we can establish our link to our Creator, pour out our feelings and emotions, and allow ourselves to be guided to what is right.
Whether you recite your dua in English or Arabic, Allah hears them all.
greetingscg pray you have a successful Ramadan full of accepted duas. Ameen ... wishing you a Happy Fasting Ramadan Kareem! Ramzan Mubarak 1442 AH/2021. May Allah make it easy for you and accept your fast, prayers, good deeds and devotions!