GREETINGSCG: Girl's. Collection quotes, messages, wishes also greetings for International Day of the Girl Child best to send through Status Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, SMS, Path, Line given to friends, childrends, girls and loved ones.

International Day of the Girl Child (#DayOfTheGirl) is an annual international event celebrated on 11 October. The aim of #DayOfTheGirl is to recognize girls' rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world. These include focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights.



According to UNICEF & UNESCO Messages 2020, This year, under the theme, “My voice, our equal future”, let’s seize the opportunity to reimagine a better world inspired by adolescent girls – energized and recognized, counted and invested in. Happy International Day of the Girl Child 2020!

"On this International Day, we celebrate and honour the millions of girls around the world who surmount the barriers of inequality and manage to break free from the prejudices to which they have too often been confined." - Message from Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child

greetingscg Wishing all the girls in our life on the occasion of International Girls Day. October 11th marks International Girls Day and this year’s theme, “My Voice, Our Equal Future,” highlights the opportunity to be inspired by what adolescent girls aspire for and the change they want.

Before celebrating this Sunday the International Girls Day!. let's share Gender equality is a global priority for UNESCO, and the support of young girls, their training and their full ability to make their voices and ideas heard are drivers for sustainable development and peace. In too many cases accross the globe, teenage girls drop out of school, due to forced marriages or child labor. UNESCO is committed to celebrating this day to ensure that all girls have access to quality education and a dignified life.

let's Share stories of inspiring adolescent girls or girl-led organizations who are developing innovative solutions or leading efforts towards positive social change, including gender equality, in our communities and nations. Happy International Girls and Happy Sunday!!!

International Day of the Girl Child is Sunday, Oct. 11!. Be wild, be free, be who you’re meant to be!! Always encourage + inspire others. Be brave, sweet girl.

Happy International Girls Day! Let her know she can do anything!.

Today is the International Girls Day (International Day of the Girl Child)!. Today and everyday, we believe in girls, empowerment, and the importance of dreaming big.

Every commentator says we have to start younger to make a difference for girls in greetingscg.blogspot.com

This Day of the Girl, we're celebrating girls around the world 'fighting' for a brighter future! greetingscg wishing you a Happy International Girls Day!

Today is International Girls Day. They all deserve the opportunity to reach their dreams and be happy. All girls, Without exceptions.!

Happy International Day of the Girl Child (#DayOfTheGirl)!! We couldn't be any more blessed to have such incredible sisters by our side! They're here for the highs and the lows and everything in between!

"Today on International Girls Day we stand up for all girls. We strive towards a future in which girls are always heard and included!." greetingscg quote for International Day of the Girl Child (11/10/2020)

Happy International Girls Day! We want to build confidence in girls to dream so they become women with visions Green heart #DayOfTheGirl

Today is the International Girls Day. The truth is that STILL in 2020, many girls are not free to choose their own destiny, suffering discrimination and violence in every part of the world. Gender equality is one of the main goals to achieve. #DayOfTheGirl
Happy International Day of the Girl Child 2020, 11 October

The most beautiful thing any girl can wear is confidence!. Let her know she can do anything!
Happy International Day of the Girl Child 11 October 2020 from friends at greetingscg.blogspot.com

International Girls Day Let us empower, recognise and celebrate diaspora girls and women, respecting their rights and guaranteening equal participation in our societies. greetingscg stands with World Diaspora Girls and Women today and every day!

Today we celebrate the day of the girls! Just like Mothers, they are powerful, loving, intelligent, kind and amazing. Tell a girl how special they are today. Inspire them to be the best they can.!

Shout out to all the women in “My voice, our equal future”,. We see you. We love you. We appreciate you.
Happy International Day of The Girl.!


The International Day of the Girl Child focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls' empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights. UNESCO is committed to celebrating this day to ensure that all girls have access to quality education and a dignified life.!

Girls' education is a strategic development priority. Better educated women tend to be healthier, participate more in the formal labor market, earn higher incomes, have fewer children, marry at a later age, and enable better health care and education for their children, should they choose to become mothers.!

"In many countries, girls are the first victims when children’s human rights are violated and they often suffer double discrimination: for their age and for their gender. They are more discriminated against than boys are for being minors and female. Furthermore, this double discrimination can become triple discrimination if one adds other factors, such as being poor or disabled, or belonging to a minority group." - International Day of the Girl Child quote

"Girls at greetingscg are agents of change: Girls share why they are proud to be girls"

“Little girls with DREAMS become women with VISION.” -greetingscg quotes

We celebrate the girl child and all females at large. My wish is for every girl to grow up to be the woman God ordained.

Girls play multiple roles in the household, society and the economy. International Girls Day is being celebrated today in the world.

Celebrating International Day of the Girl Child because every girl deserves the chance to be their best self! aims to highlight and address the needs and challenges girls face, while promoting girls' empowerment and the fulfillment of their human rights!

As we celebrate the spirit, resiliency, and strength of girls on International Day of the Girl Child, I pray that the #DayOfTheGirl who are free, as well as those still in captivity, will have the opportunity to unlock their full potential.

As we celebrate the spirit, resiliency, and strength of girls on International Day of the Girl Child, I pray that the #DayOfTheGirl who are free, as well as those still in captivity, will have the opportunity to unlock their full potential.

11 October 2020, Happy International Day of the Girl Child to all the friends, childrends, girls and loved ones in our lives!! Young people across the world are developing a digital activism campaign, aiming to raise the diversity of girls’ voices and their vision for a reimagined future.