Family at greetingscg wishing you happy World Tourism Day (WTD) to all the International traveler & tourist! we wish you a great saturday 2020!. Tourism is the activities of people traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for leisure, business or other purposes for not more than one consecutive year. Since 1980, the United Nations World Tourism Organization has celebrated World Tourism Day as international observances on September 27. Its purpose is to foster awareness among the international community of the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic value. If you have workers, Childrends, Friends, and Family and looking for short words to sayings happy World Tourism Day (WTD) wishes quotes and Messages with Tourism Day on 27 September 2020 so you are in the right blogger. Here collection Messages & Wishes for all the tourists & the travelers on International Tourism Day (WTD) from greetingscg.blogspot.com website World Day greeting of the Tourism Day 2020!

According the United Nations, The theme of World Tourism Day 2020, “Tourism and Rural Development” It can also advance inclusion and highlight the unique role tourism can play in preserving and promoting natural and cultural heritage and curbing urban migration.

The aim of WTD - World Tourism Day 2020 is to foster awareness among the international community of the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic value. And as people gear up to celebrate the event, check out the messages, quotes, wishes, images and greetingscg and messages you can send to your loved ones.


One of 2020 the favorite Saturday is here again! Peace and happiness to all those celebrating World Tourism Day. Family at greetingscg wishing you Happy World Tourism Day to all the national Tourism on 2020, 27 September!

"Tourism employs one in every ten people on Earth. Because of the pandemic, 100-120 million direct tourism jobs are at risk." - UN Quotes for World Tourism Day

"Every year, go to a place you've never been before" greetingscg qishing you all a Happy World Tourism Day!

Happy travels and hopefully social media detox. And I think to myself ... What a wonderful world...

Tourism has experienced expansion, diversification & is one of the fastest growing most important economic sectors in the world benefiting communities worldwide. Our country is a state filled with beautiful sites, friendly people and interesting history.

Travelling - It leaves you speechless, then turns your into a storyteller. -Trevel and Tourism Quotes greetingscg.blogspot.com

Stop Planning, Start Traveling, Wish you all, a very Happy World Tourism Day!

On this Saturday of World Tourism Day 2020!. Travel is more than the seeing a sights,it is a change that goes on, deep & permanent,in the ideas of living.

Happy World Tourism Day! Does that mean we all get a holiday today?!.

“The Impulse to Travel is one of the hopeful symptoms of life”. Wishing you all Happy World Tourism Day.

Destination: Unknown
Path: Discovery
Knowledge: Never ending
Surprises: Too many
Life's purpose: Travel
Happy 27 September 2020!. World Tourism Day!!

Hoping that you will travel the every corner of the world

Fill your life with ADVENTURE, not with things.
Have STORIES to tell, not stuff to show ...

Wish you all a happy World Tourism Day from greetingscg.blogspot.com Beautiful one day... perfect the next...

Happy World Tourism Day 27th September 2020, to all travel lovers of the world. No matter which part of the world you travel to, cycling around is the best way to explore every alley and lane of a new place. Opt for two wheels on your next holiday!

It is celebrated with the great interest by the various tourism enterprises, organizations, government agencies and etc. Varieties of competitions are held at this day such as photo competitions promoting the tourism, tourism award presentations including free entries, discounts/special offers to the general public. to all travel lovers of the world greetingscg.blogspot.com wish you a Happy World Tourism Day 27th September 2020

Wish you all a happy World Tourism Day!. Travelling is a good experience which makes happy Presence of mind is imp' while traveling

27 September, wishing you happy World Tourism Day (IYD) to all all travel lovers of the world from Family at greetingscg.blogspot.com! What's one of your favorite memories as a tourist?