GREETINGSCG: men's. Collection quotes, messages, wishes also greetings for International Men's Day best to send through Status Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, SMS, Path, Line given to friends, husband, partner, father, Son, Brother, ex-boy friends and loved ones.

International Men's Day (IMD) is an annual international event celebrated on 19 November. The aim of IMD is to celebrate positive male role models and to raise awareness of men's issues around the world. These include topics such as mental health, toxic masculinity and the prevalence of male suicide. IMD (International Men's Day) is a time for many people to reflect on the contributions, sacrifices and progress made by men in society.


Men make history and not the other way around. Happy International Men's Day 2022!

Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something - greetingscg qoute

greetingscg Wishing all the men in our life on the occasion of International Men's Day. Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.

Do you consent and pamper the men of your life? Do you buy flowers,Chocolates and questions how they did at work,Or give them a little massage? Give them a kiss or a hug without being asked 💝 They also need understanding, Love, Be pampered & affection. Happy International Men's Day!!!

Dear men,
Thank u for all the awesome things u do. From changing tires to being master chefs at home
I‘ve seen the vulnerable side of u,u are as soft in the inside as u are strong on the outside. U know how to truly love.
You deserve to be celebrated

To the men who are providers
To the men who are protectors
To the men unapologetic about their masculinity
Thank you.
Happy International Men's 2022, 19 November

To the men who are providers
To the men who are protectors
To the men unapologetic about their masculinity
Thank you.

Quotes, wishes, messages, and greetings card of happy international men's day

Men are 3x as likely to die by suicide and suicide is the largest cause of death for men under 50. Happy International Men's Day take care of yourself, it’s not “unmanly” to reach out

“The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.”― John Wooden Quote

Men don't use makeup, no weaves, no cream sef, some of them don't even baff but they are still fine and slay anyhow to the extent ladies fight for them.
greetingscg.blogspot.com wishing you a Happy Men's 2022!

A real man isn't afraid to learn and grow, even when things are hard.
A good man knows how to balance being tough and tender.
A real men will never lie to his woman.
A great man knows the difference between things he might want to do, and the things he must do. - Man Quotes

We may not say it as often as we should, but we do love, respect and look up to you. Fathers, Uncles, Brothers, Boyfriends, Hubbys and Friends !! This world would not be as cool, without ‘Men’!!!

There are so many men out there who work so hard to make ends meet, who are selfless, who are responsible. God bless you all, and if you're still single, you'll end up with the best woman for you, greetingscg wish you a happy International Men’s Day 2022!

To Be Real Man Means To Know How To Face Your Mistakes, How Forgive, Learn To Love And Try To Help Everyone Who Needs You. Happy Men's Day Stay Blessed

Happy International Mens Day to all the men out there who are God fearing and ambitious. Those men that know how to accept when they have fallen short ,how to forgive and support those around them. We appreciate You all. God bless You all

greetingscg Wishing happy 19 November 2022.!!! to the men out there that do their best to contribute positively to the human experience. My father, uncles and male friends included. We see you and love u.

May no man have to bear the brunt of false allegations
May no man undergo domestic abuse
May all men be happy and fulfilled in their lives
May both sexes support each and don't fight

A REAL man is FEARLESS. He’s not afraid of showing his emotions. He’s not afraid to ask for help. He’s not afraid to admit when he’s wrong. He’s not afraid of looking ‘weak’. He stands in his truth, supports those around him, he is honest, reliable, strong!

God created men to follow his teachings which are based on love and respect.
All men should do so & earth would be a better place to live.
The beauty of all men is that each one has a special quality, and it’s nice when you discover their true heart. greetingscg.blogspot.com quote

As we celebrate Men all over the world, let’s take a moment to pass this message across to our friends & brothers. Real Men Dont RAPE

Happy International Men's day wishes, messages, quotes, and greetings card

Everyone say that Women deserve respect. TRUE.
But Men also deserve respect. If a Women is a Mother, Sister, Wife etc. Even a man is a Father, Brother, Husband.
It all depends on what kind of human you are First.
Be a good human first. greetingscg quote

Happy International Men's Day to all the men out there!!! "Being a good man means being a good son, a good brother, a good friend, a good father, a hard worker, all this is what dignifies a man" 

Blessed day morning, Happy International Men Day November, 19!!! We wish all men were like you

Dear men, Your contributions Matter, Your Sacrifices Matter, Your voice Matter

greetingscg.blogspot.com wish you all a Happy Men's Day!! Show Men Some Love. Its time to recognize and honor the contributions and sacrifices that a man makes for his Family and society

Happy Mens Day 2019!!! Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power..

A father, A Son, A Brother, A Husband!
Probably the last person in family to buy new clothes on festivals....because he wants to give you the Best!
Make Every Man in your life Feel Special Today!

To every Man who make lives of women so beautiful 💙
You 👔 Are Equally Important!. Happy International Mens Day November, 19 2022

"Sometimes man's purpose in a woman's life, is to help her become a better person" Wishing all friends, husband, partner, father, Brother, Son, and loved ones

To the men we love, we celebrate you and the positive values you bring to the world. 

There is a man whose'THE MAN' , the one who cares, is responsible and goes out of the way to make it better everytime. Happy 19 November

There's an explorer in every man, in search of something he may not always know. Whatever it is, may be found soon, so that you can begin a new journey. To all the explorers, may your spirit never die. For that constant growth, that is life!. - Men quote

Thank you to the honorable men out there making sacrifices for their families and their country every day.
Strength, hard work, respect, and security are just a few of the qualities that should be celebrated.
greetingscg.blogspot.com appreciate and respect all of you!

19 November 2022, Happy International Mens Day to all the fathers, grandfathers, sons and uncles in our lives!!  ‘Real' men are just as inclined to feel fragile, make mistakes, get anxious, distressed, sad or depressed as anyone else. It doesn't make you weak. It just makes you human.