Collection messages, wishes also greetings for happy Ramadan Fasting Month 2020 best to send through SMS, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Path, Line given to Muslim friends, family, girl - boyfriends, and loved ones.
Ramadan Fasting is observed on the 1st day to the end of the month of Ramadan 2020, the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. There will be many prayers and hopes in the wishes also greetings for Ramadan Kareem 2020.
Ramadan also known as Ramzan, Ramadhan, Ramdhon with other names or languages of various countries around the world like English, French, German, Spanish, Australia, Canada, India, Bahasa Indonesia is a holy month of fasting, introspection and prayer for Muslims, the followers of Islam.
Ramadan 2019 begins at sunset on May 6, and ends on June 4; the following year, Insya Allah Ramadan 2020 will begin at sunset on April 24.
At the time of Ramadan on 2020 1441 AH, Muslims will celebrate it by giving each other cards to distant family with Wishes Ramzan Mubarak Greetings Ramadan 2019/2020.
Dear Muslim Friends, if you have the idea of interpreting holy Ramadan Month celebrations please share with hope you are blessed!!
Ramadan Fasting is observed on the 1st day to the end of the month of Ramadan 2020, the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. There will be many prayers and hopes in the wishes also greetings for Ramadan Kareem 2020.
Ramadan also known as Ramzan, Ramadhan, Ramdhon with other names or languages of various countries around the world like English, French, German, Spanish, Australia, Canada, India, Bahasa Indonesia is a holy month of fasting, introspection and prayer for Muslims, the followers of Islam.
Ramadan 2019 begins at sunset on May 6, and ends on June 4; the following year, Insya Allah Ramadan 2020 will begin at sunset on April 24.
At the time of Ramadan on 2020 1441 AH, Muslims will celebrate it by giving each other cards to distant family with Wishes Ramzan Mubarak Greetings Ramadan 2019/2020.
greetingscg wishes you all the best for this great and holy month of Ramadan. welcome to Ramadhan, Marhaban Ya syahra Ramadhan Ya Syahrul Syiam. Let's greet Ramadan with joy. purify the heart so that we fast more meaningfully. forgive all my faults ... happy fasting. May the victory of happiness and guidance we get ... Amen ...
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happy ramadan kareem wishes greetings card |
1 Smile Start friendship,
1 laughter removes sadness,
1 word replaces action,
1 Prayer gives hope 1 SMS delivers an apology,
Wishing you a blessed Happy Ramadan Mubarak!
Welcome to 1st Ramadhan 1441 AH 2020.
If all assets are poisons,
Zakat is the antidote if all ages are sin,
repentance is the remedy if all days are sinful,
Jama'at is the penucinya if all months are stains, Ramadan is bleach,
Wishing you a very Happy Ramadan Kareem.
Welcome to Ramadhan 1441 AH Year 2020 and happy fasting to Muslim friends.
Words with bismillah,
greetings accompanied by prayers,
I arrange you above wrong,
Welcome Ramadan Month Full of blessings!
If hands can't shake,
at least the words can still be spoken,
sincerely apologizing for all wrong and making mistakes,
Wishing you a blessed Ramzan Kareem.
O God ... Trust My Muslim Brothers in the world with knowledge
Decorate their heart with patience
Glorify his face with the piety of his physical
preservation with health And accept his charity with multiplicity
Because only You are the Essence of the Lord of All Nature
Wishing you a blessed and happy Ramadan Kareem!
Dawn of Ramadan immediately approached the world,
a piece of silk removes the stain,
as clear as the dew of the heat,
purify the heart cleanse the soul on the holy month,
may our deeds be accepted by Allah.
Happy Ramadan!
"Whoever fasts Ramadan and stands (in the night prayer) for it out of faith and seeking a reward (from Allah), he will be forgiven what preceded of his sins." - Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), Tirmidhi, Hadith 683. Wishing you a blessed and happy Ramzan Kareem!
I am so looking forward to Ramadan this year.
May God cleanse us from the diseases of the heart.
May God purify us and bring us peace this coming holy month.
Happy Ramadan Kareem Year 1441 Hijri/ 2020!
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Countdown started😍
Reminder: Ramadan is coming
Happy Fasting, Wishing you a blessed Ramadan Kareem!
Ramadan is just a couple days away from us.
Prepare a list of everything and anything that your heart wishes for.
Nothing that you ask for, is too big for Ar Rahman to answer.
For Him, it’s just a matter of ‘Kun’.
Wishes You a Happy Ramadan!
Ramadan 2020 is reaching soon,
but have we prepared ourselves for that?
Have we left haram relationships?
Have we stopped wasting time on games?
Have we scheduled our namaz and Quran routine?
If the answer is no, we still have time to do so, don't waste your Ramadan.
Ramadan Mubarak and Happy Pride season!!
more about ramadan kareem greetingscg:
May Allahﷻ enable us to reach Ramadan.
May we give it our best and may we reach Laylatul-Qadr and be from the ones forgiven on that night and whose deeds are accepted. Aameen
Indeed their affairs are no secret to you.
Oh Allah make their graves rest-assured.
And on the Day of Judgement make their testimony safe.
With the confidence of having your satisfaction."
May Allah accept our supplications/prayers during this coming blessed month of Ramadan 2020/1441 HIJRI
We need to plan for Ramadan starting NOW.
We need to know and identify what are our goals of Ramadan and what is it that we are seeking from it.
If these are not clear in our minds, then it is difficult to achieve the spiritual blessings for which Ramadan was prescribed.
Wishing you a blessed Ramadan Kareem!
Take 60 seconds and listen to The Word of Allah.
Increasing our reading and listening to Qu’ran is one of the best ways to prepare for Ramadan.
Wishing you a blessed Ramadan Mubarak!
Ramadan is coming,
Shaytan is running,
Muslims are preparing,
Hell is closing,
Paradise is opening.
Ramzan Mubarak!
We have less than two weeks to Ramadan.
Earn an unquantifiable reward by feed a fasting soul this Ramadan.
May Allah make not this Ramadan our last one. Aameen!!
May Allah bless us to see this years Ramadan and make it easy for everyone.❤
Let go of the old, take hold of the new and prepare for Ramadan to make it your best Ramadan yet! This is a month to rejuvenate your soul, cleanse and purify it; seek His abundant Mercy. So make use of it, to the fullest. Better yourself. For ALLAH
Try to make sure that when you look back at this Ramadan in the future, you feel like you made a difference in your life that will STICK WITH YOU for life.
Do something OUT of your comfort zone and InshAllah, it will transform you.
Wishing you a blessed and happy Ramadan Mubarak!
Few more days until Ramadan.
May Allah grant us all another year of Ramadan. Aameen and Wishing you a blessed and happy Ramadan Mubarak 2020!!
Oh Allahﷻ forgive me for my shortcomings, for only You are Perfect. O Allahﷻ, please forgive me, bless me with Your Rahma, ya Allahﷻ make this Ramadan the turning point for all of us..break us free from the deceptions of this world & indulge us in the sweetness of Imaan. Aameen and Wishing you a blessed and happy Ramadan Kareem 2020!!
During Ramadan, it's a good thing to remember that it is not only the stomach that must fast...
Only days remaining till Ramadan, final opportunity to make up any from last year.
Many Scholars state if a person fails to make up without reason before next Ramadan comes in then upon them is to repent, still make up after this Ramadan, & feed a poor person for every day too.
Wishing you a blessed and happy Ramadan Kareem 1441 Hijri / 2020!!
To those of us witnessing Ramadan in school, May Allah (SWA) give you the strength to endure and make the best out of this glorious month!. Wishing you a blessed and happy Ramadan Mubarak 1441 Hijri / 2020!!
Ramadan is called the month of the Qu’ran. Let us begin the habit of using free time reading, listening and reflecting on Qu’ran with our Children and Family. May Allah allow us to reach Ramadan!
I’m waiting for you, how I’ve missed you Ramadan 💕.
The Holy Month of Ramadan starts in 6 days!
O Allah, let us all reach the month of Ramadan.
May He grant us all the ability to fast, pray and make the most of the blessed month.
Insha’Allah. Ameen
Happiness is Knowing that Ramadan is Coming SOON!!
'The month of Ramadan is divided in 3 parts:
The first 10 days are the days of mercy from Allah.
The second 10 days are the days of forgiveness from Allah.
The last 10 days are the days of salvation from the Hellfire.'
Less than 6 days until Ramadan!!
Ramadan is coming soon
💙 R 🌙 Remember
💚 A 🌙 Allāhﷻ
💜 M 🌙 Morning
❤ A 🌙 Afternoon
💛 D 🌙 Day
💙 A 🌙 And
💚 N 🌙 Night..
A Happy Ramadan to everyone - Ramadan Mubarak and Ramadan Kareem!
اسلام علیکم
Before The Holy Month of Ramadan is coming.
greetingscg wishing you:
May Allah for give sin all
May Allah protect you and your family and friends. Aameen
With the holy month of Ramadan around the corner, we look forward to our remedy for the body and soul.
I can't describe how heart soothing bird song is.
How vibrantly green alive & magnificent the trees suddenly appeared, forcing me to look up in awe. Pausing to inhale, to focus on the beauty around me.
A settling of peace with every drop of rain. Yearning for Ramadan.
Mid-Sha’aban marks the “Night of Forgiveness” known as ShabEBarat .
It is the night where Allah forgives those seeking it, grants our ‘Rizq’ (sustenance) & decides about our ‘Lifeline’.
ShabEBarat Mubarak, now Only a Fortnight before Ramadan.
If your living to see Ramadan say Alhumdulilah because some don’t make it
Don’t let all of your hard work in Ramadan go to waste, do ur best & seek forgiveness from Allahﷻ
The good you do in Ramadan is multipled what about the evil you do? Be careful & be steadfast, do good! RAMADAN MUBARAK!
Allahumma barik lana fi Rajab wa Shaban wa balighna Ramadan.
O Allah! Make the months of Rajab and Sha’ban blessed for us, and let us reach the month of Ramadan.
Rajab is the month to sow the seeds.
Shaban is the month to irrigate the crop.
And Ramadan is the month to reap the harvest.
greetingscg wish you all a very very happy Ramadan.
Advanced Ramadan congratulations to all.
Welcome upcoming Ramadan of 1441 Hijri 2020
Ramadan Mobarak to all my Muslims Brothers and Sisters.
Salaam from
Many loved ones didn’t live to see or complete Ramadan last year.
May Allah ﷻ grant us all the ability to witness & benefit from this blessed month.
Make the intention NOW to make the most of Ramadan.
Dear Muslim Friends, if you have the idea of interpreting holy Ramadan Month celebrations please share with hope you are blessed!!
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